I know that it’s still May, but to me it’s definitely summer, what with the warm weather and the Chelsea Flower Show. Chelsea is my definition of the start of summer.
So I’ve been enjoying the BBC coverage in the afternoon and the evenings, and salivating over the beautiful plants. It’s pornography for gardeners really! If you haven’t been able to see it yet, why not watch it on the BBC iplayer.
I went on to the Chelsea Flower Show website and voted for my favourite gardens.
In the Show category I decided to vote for Kazahana which was designed by Kazuyuki Ishihara. I think that he was terribly disappointed that he only got a silver medal.
I don’t blame him. The judges were terribly harsh and mean on him. I loved the garden design. I’ve got a thing for Japanese maples. But the poor wee soul still managed a bow and thank you when he received his award. That’s class.
I found it more difficult to decide what to vote for in the Courtyard category, but in the end I went for Music on the Moors which was designed by Christina Williams.
It seems to have been a great year for the plants which is nothing short of miraculous considering the atrocious weather that we’ve had over this last year.
I always tell myself that you can see these better on T.V. because I know I would hate the crowds of people if I actualy went there. But it would be fab (absolutely) to be able to get to the plant sale at the end of the week. I love to see people struggling out with enormous delphiniums and such like. They’re always intending to take them home on the tube too.
I think 450 miles is just a wee bit too far to travel for it though.
I’ve checked the UK forecasts, and it seems your weather experts are saying you’re in for a hot, dry summer. That doesn’t sound like the Scotland I know!
We’re supposed to be hot and dry, too. Dry is okay, because our horrendous mosquitoes won’t breed as well, but the hot I can live without.
Loved this post,
After all my moaning about the heat we actually had hail stones tonight. Yesterday I walked along to the shops and wished I had my gloves on. The wind coming from the North Sea was freezing. This afternoon it was warm again. No wonder we get ill.
We have a terrible midge problem too. They breed like mad in lochs, especially in the west. It’s just about the only thing that tourists complain about.
I think you should be able to watch Chelsea or anything else on the BBC iplayer, if you are interested in what might be on BBC t.v. or radio. Glad you enjoyed the post.