Patrick Leigh Fermor

If like me you’ve been reading Patrick Leigh Fermor’s books recently, then you might be interested in this article which was in the Travel section of the Guardian on Saturday. It’s about Kevin Rushby’s visit to Greece’s Mani peninsula, where Fermor lived for many years.

Artemis Cooper’s biography, Patrick Leigh Fermor, An Adventure will be published by John Murray on 11 October.

Fermor’s unfinished third volume of his walk across Europe in the 1930s will be published by John Murray in 2013.

You can see an audio slideshow of the Mani peninsula here.

It looks really lovely but, even if I could be bothered with the journey there, I think it would be too hot for me.

11 thoughts on “Patrick Leigh Fermor

  1. Thank you for the interesting article and beautiful pictures. Besides his travel, adventure books, I just finished “In Tearing Haste”-Letters between Deborah Devonshire (Mitford sister) and Patrick Leigh Fermor. Edited by her granddaughter Charlotte Mosley. There are a number of interviews (youtube) discussing her book.Enjoy.

      • Lorraine,
        In Tearing Haste has been on my list of books to read for a while now, since we went to visit Chatsworth. I bought Letters Between Six Sisters there and really enjoyed it. It’s also edited by Charlotte Mosley who I think is actually Debo’s niece by marriage as I think Charlotte is Diana’s daughter-in-law. It’s all so confusing!

  2. It really is a beautiful place. I don’t think I could climb those hills / mountains, though! I’ve read a few of Fermor’s books, but I’d like to read more, so on my list they’ll go.

    • Joan,
      It looks so peaceful now and I definitely couldn’t do much in the heat, except avoid the sun. I bet you’ve been to some Greek islands though. I hope so, otherwise I’ll be disappointed that you didn’t go there in your globe-trotting days!

      • Sorry to disappoint you, Katrina, but we’ve never been there. I’m only well-travelled in Western Europe and the Caribbean. The farthest east we’ve been is Austria, the farthest south is St. Lucia, Canada to the north, and California to the west (from the east coast of the US).

        Jack’s grandparents were born in Greece and we always talked about going there, but it’s a long flight for us. If we ever get to go back to Europe, rent a car, and ramble around for a few months ……

        • Joan,
          Well at least you have a Greek connection. I hope you do get to go there one day. Certain members of my extended family are never away from Greek islands, so it seems to me anyway, and a nephew got married there about ten years ago when it was the fashionable place to get spliced.

  3. I read somewhere an article about the Cooper biography, and I put it on my list, hopefully our libraries will get it. I’ll be ordering a copy of the third volume of travels, as soon as it’s available! and I’ve also been meaning to get In Tearing Haste – I so enjoyed the letters between the sisters (a friend brought me back a lovely copy from Chatsworth).

    • Lisa,
      All these books which we keep adding to our lists! It’s certain we’ll never get to the bottom of them. I enjoyed the Mitford letters too.

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