My Blog’s Name in TBR Books

I’ve never done this meme before but lots of the blogs that I enjoy frequenting have been doing it including Margaret at BooksPlease and I decided to join in. The idea is that you choose book titles from your TBR pile which begin with the letters of your blog name. So, here goes – sixteen of them. I intend to read them before the end of this year.

TBR Books

PPapa-la-bas by John Dickson Carr

IIf This Is a Man by Primo Levi

NNicolo Rising by Dorothy Dunnett

IIf Not Now, When by Primo Levi

NNot So Quiet by Helen Zenna Smith

GGuest in the House by Philip MacDonald

FFor the Sake of the School by Angela Brazil

OOld Hall-New Hall by Michael Innes

RReputation for a Song by Edward Grierson

TTroy Chimneys by Margaret Kennedy

HHow Late It Was – How Late by James Kelman

EEdinburgh by Robert Louis Stevenson

WWinter by Len Deighton

EEverything You Need by A.L. Kennedy

SSpiderweb by Penelope Lively

TTrooper to the Southern Cross by Angela Thirkell

Have you read any of these books and if so where should I begin?

4 thoughts on “My Blog’s Name in TBR Books

  1. I haven’t read any of these Katrina, but I have read some Primo Levi so I’ll be interested in your thoughts on his books. There are several in your list that are new to me. You often find interesting books that are a little different đŸ™‚

    • Sandra,
      I’ve been meaning to read those Primo Levi books for years but have been afraid they might be too depressing. I’ll have to gird my loins!

  2. I’ve only read different books by Wielsel, Stevenson, and Thirkell, so I can’t comment on any of these from experience. I’m really enjoying Thirkell’s Barsetshire series but I think Trooper to the Southern Cross is a separate book.

    I hope you read Troy Chimneys soon because I want to read it too! I’m about to start a readalong for Testament of Youth in June but I’m definitely going to try and read Troy Chimneys this summer.

    • Karen K,
      I believe that Trooper to the Southern Cross is about WW1 and is autobiographical.
      I hope you and I will be reading Troy Chimneys around about the same time. I read Testament of Youth years ago, before it was ever on TV here, it’s so sad.

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