Emma Watson by Joan Aiken

When Jane Austen abandoned writing her novel called The Watsons she did so after just five chapters, and in Emma Watson Joan Aiken finishes off the task, or that’s what I thought, but in reality this book contains no writing from Jane Austen at all. Joan Aiken just takes up the tale from where Austen left off, it’s not exactly a success in my opinion.

I suppose it depends what you’re looking for, I expected the book to be written in Jane Austen’s style but it really wasn’t, and as it went on it became more like something written by Georgette Heyer, with less of her style and wit. Otherwise it was quite entertaining, and maybe I’m being unfair, it might just be too difficult to get into the Austen mode, but it did seem to me that really no effort was put into it. There’s nothing of Austen – it’s all Aiken, goes into topics which Austen would not have and, although I like Aiken’s writing in general, this was a disappointment.

Lady Susan / The Watsons / Sanditon by Jane Austen

As it’s almost the end of the year I’m just ‘redding up’ (tidying/clearing up) my book reviews. Actually I must admit that this isn’t even a review, just a mention that as expected I enjoyed re-reading Jane Austen’s Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sanditon. However, it’s so long since I actually read the books that I can’t really go into any details!

Luckily Jack read them just before I did so if you’re interested in his thoughts you can have a look here. Can you believe that Jack had never read anything by Jane Austen before 2019?!

Bookshelf Travelling in Insane Times – 26th, September

Here we go again, how quickly the time comes around, it’s Bookshelf Travelling in Insane Times, and this week it’s another guest bedroom bookshelf. This meme was of course started by Judith, Reader in the Wilderness, but I’m gathering the posts at the moment.

Jane Austen and E F BensonBooks

I had to photograph this shelf in two separate photos as the bed got in the way! The shelf contains a hardback set of Jane Austen books, they’re not the best quality and haven’t worn well over the years as the paper has yellowed, but they’re better than reading the paperbacks. The Folio books are lovely, it’s the Mapp and Lucia series by E.F. Benson which I find really entertaining.

Barbara Pym and Anthony Trollope Books

The Barbara Pym books are the second incarnation as in a house move I decided to get rid of my originals – and then of course regretted doing it. This shelf is home to books that I will happily re-read, and that’s not something that I do a lot of. In fact they’re mainly the kind of books that are ideal for dipping into at random if you can’t get to sleep. I really like Anthony Trollope’s books, but of the ones that I’ve read they’ve mostly been on my Kindle, free from Project Gutenberg. There are a few actual Trollopes on this shelf though, but they don’t come under the category of great bedtime reading although I definitely have done so in the past.

Other Bookshelf Travellers this week are:

A Son of the Rock

Bitter Tea and Mystery

Staircase Wit

Jane Austen’s House Museum at Chawton – the Guardian

A portrait miniature of Mary Pearson, thought to be the young woman whom Jane Austen based her character of Lydia Bennet on has been acquired by The Jane Austen House Museum at Chawton. You can read about it here.

Mary Pearson

Obviously the museum is closed at the moment due to Covid-19 but you can have a look at the website here.

I don’t have a bucket list as such but this is one of the many places I would like to visit – sometime.

Jane Austen’s England by Maggie Lane

Jane Austen's England cover

I actually ran out of books to read when I was on that recent Baltic cruise, I think I read seven books in two weeks, which just shows you that I found being on board rather boring. I ended up having to peruse the books in the very small library and I settled on Jane Austen’s England by Maggie Lane.

This was an enjoyable read although more than anything it made me think it was probably time that I reacquainted myself with some of Austen’s books that I haven’t read for decades. The author writes about the books as well as accounts of Jane’s life and death and the places that she lived. A previous reader had helpfully numbered in pencil all of what are now A roads whenever two towns were mentioned, just in case any reader wanted to pinpoint the road exactly. There are plenty of interesting illustrations too – as I recall.

A few Guardian links

With it being Jane Austen’s bicentenary (of her death) there are lots of things in the newspapers about her. Some well known authors write about their favourite Austen books here.

Jane Austen stars in a Bank of England literary links exhibition. It looks like it would be worth going to – if it wasn’t in London! You can read about it here.

I’m interested in the way language changes so a book called That’s the Way it Crumbles: The AmericaniZation of British English by Matthew Engel might be one I’ll seek out, you can read about it here.

One thing that really amazed me when we were in the Netherlands recently is the amount of English that appears everywhere. There’s no doubt that it must be a great help to people who wish to learn a language to have signs in that language all over the place, but I’m just wondering why the Dutch aren’t ‘up in arms’ about it (as the French usually are). On many shop doors in Dutch towns there were signs saying – Come in – We’re OPEN And also MID SEASON SALE signs were on many shop windows. These were in towns where tourists will rarely visit – we were only there because some members of my family live nearby. I even heard Dutch teenagers speaking in English to each other in the street – I suppose it must be fashionable. Can you imagine teenagers in Britain choosing to speak in a foreign language – for fun?!

Guardian Review links

If you’re interested in the Brontes and Anne in particular you might find this article interesting. It’s a review of a book called Take Courage: Anne Bronte and the Art of Life by Samantha Ellis.

As a teenager I went on a Thomas Hardy binge and read most of his books, so I was interested in reading a review by Dinah Birch of Thomas Hardy: Half a Londoner by Mark Ford.

We’re approaching the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death and the historian Lucy Worsley writes here about why such a well loved author remains so mysterious.

Last but not least Susanna Rustin looks at the career of Winifred Holtby here.

What Matters in Jane Austen by John Mullan

What Matters in Jane Austen by John Mullan was published in 2012. It’s subtitled – Twenty Crucial Puzzles Solved.

Chapter 1 is titled – How Much Does Age Matter? and I wasn’t too impressed with this one because it seemed to be aimed mainly at people who probably hadn’t actually read any Austen books, but had just watched the films or serials. I didn’t learn anything from it but as I read my way through the book I did find bits and pieces of it interesting.

However chapter 11 is titled – Is There Any Sex In Jane Austen? Really!! her books are full of sex, and even Mrs Bennet hadn’t given up all hope of ever having a son, which was not actually mentioned in the book but was clear to me even the first time I read Pride and Prejudice. Although Mullan does mention that Mrs Bennet is probably only just past 40.

This book will be more useful for people who don’t have a reasonably good idea of what life in Georgian England was like, or people who don’t read her books carefully, savouring the details.

It has however made me think that it’s high time I reread some of the Austen books which I haven’t read since I was a teenager.

Books and such

I hardly dare say it, but today it didn’t rain and there was this strange yellow orb hanging in the sky. No doubt it was just an aberration and normal services will return soon – rain and storms are forecast for later in the week again. Very depressing, but I mustn’t grumble as at least we aren’t living in any of the many flooded areas of Scotland and northern England. You can read about storm Desmond here. We had intended going down to Dumfries and Carlisle for a few days before Christmas too, thank goodness I suffer from terminal procrastination otherwise we would probably have been caught up in it all. At least I’ve been getting plenty of reading done.

In the Guardian Review section this week there’s an article you might be interested in if you are into Jane Austen. Is anyone not a fan? – I ask myself. You can read How Jane Austen’s Emma changed the shape of fiction by John Mullan here.

Meanwhile, back at the library I’ve been borrowing these:

Borrowed Library Books

the distance between us by Maggie O’Farrell
A Rule Against Murder by Louise Penny
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
The Lonely Skier by Hammond Innes
Northanger Abbey by Val McDermid
Whay Matters in Jane Austen? by John Mullan

I’ve finished Go Set a Watchman which I swithered about reading but I really enjoyed and have plenty to say about it, soon I hope.

I’m annoyed about the Louise Penny book because it’s one which I somehow missed when I was working my way through the Three Pines series, so it’ll be all out of whack!

Buxton, Derbyshire – a Georgian Spa Town

The main street in Buxton has some lovely buildings in it, although the shops aren’t exactly high class nowadays, it’s easy to imagine how it must have seemed when all the shops were independent ones.


Buxton is a town which I’ve long fancied visiting, probably because it’s one of those spa towns, mentioned in Jane Austen’s and Emily Bronte’s books. In fact it’s a very old spa town and Mary Queen of Scots went there to take the water in 1573.

Buxton  spa
Buxton has a classic Georgian Crescent, such as I’ve only seen in Edinburgh, although Bath is probably more famous for them, I haven’t been to Bath yet though, I’m saving that for another road trip to the far south west.

Buxton  spa

It seems that everywhere we go places are swathed in scaffolding and tarpaulin, these old places cost a fortune to maintain, so it’s just as well that the lottery fund has given £millions for the refurbishment.

Buxton  spa
As you can see, Buxton has a very grand opera house which seems to be well used for various productions.

Buxton  Opera House

Right next to the opera house, vewry close to the centre of the town there’s a great park, beautifully set out and planted and obviously a favourite place to go for locals and trippers alike.

Buxton park

Buxton Park Bridge

I love that rope effect edging, I’ve only ever seen it straight before, I think the curved swags are very unusual.

Buxton  Park planter

You don’t often see Victorian post boxes like this one nowadays. The nearest one to me that I know of is one in South Queensferry.

Buxton Post Box

The photo below is a stitch of the spa and as you can see there are several advertising boards around the place. One of them pointed up the hill and said there was a secondhand bookshop 5 minutes walk away. So we legged it up a very steep long hill, which was definitely nearer ten minutes away – but lo and behold we reached what seemed like another town, Buxton has an upper and lower town and the upper part is even older and that’s where the high street is. I think a lot of visitors must miss that part altogether, we nearly did. Anyway, suffice to say that books were bought, by me anyway. The shop is ancient with lots of nooks and crannies, an original old cooking range still in place downstairs and – a ghost in residence – allegedly!

Buxton spa stitch

Buxton is definitely worth visiting, unfortunately – or maybe fortunately for us – St Ann’s Well wasn’t in working order, I think it’s being refurbished too. Not long ago Jack read Tobias Smollett’s The Expedition of Humphry Clinker and one of the characters in it said of Bath’s spa that he was sure that people had already bathed in the water they gave you to drink. Let’s hope Buxton wasn’t the same!