Birthday ‘Boy’

Our youngest had his birthday during the week, so we all travelled through to Dundee (of all places), where he now lives.

Youngest son

At Birthday Meal

He chose an Italian restaurant for his birthday meal out. Tuna and olive pizza to be precise (yeuch). Anyway, he enjoyed it.

Family Four

Family Four

So here we all are after our ‘bit of a do’. It seems to be impossible to get a photograph in which we all look vaguely ‘normal’. Husband looks very serious here for some reason.

G and L

With Girlfriend

And this is the birthday boy with his girlfriend, or should I say partner as they are living together now. I hate that word partner though as people seem to use it to describe someone that they’ve only being going out with for about a week. G and L have been together for about 6 years, and she very quickly became part of the family. G looks like he has a funny eye here for some strange reason.

Anyway a good time was had by all and what with pizza, pasta, puddings and birthday cake, I don’t think I’ll bother weighing myself this week.

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