My Friends the Macleans by Jane Duncan

My Friends the MacLeans by Jane Duncan was first published in 1967 and it’s part of a long series of the author’s ‘My Friends’ books. The books are all very autobiographical I believe.

The setting is the Caribbean island of St Jago where Janet Alexander and her husband Alexander Alexander or ‘Twice’  ás he is known have gone for a visit, but they end up staying there for a number of years when Twice is offered a good job there.

Their lives are more or less taken over by the social round on the island and as it’s all still very colonial in atmosphere Janet realises that there are sinister undercurrents. She’s longing to go home to Scotland.

I have to say that I really didn’t enjoy this one as much as the others I’ve read in this series, it didn’t have much in the way of humour. The author and her husband did live on a Caribbean island for some years, but it seems that she wasn’t very happy there.


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