The JMW Turner Exhibition, Edinburgh

Below is a JMW Turner watercolour titled A River in the Campagne. It was the first time that these Turner paintings had been shown in Edinburgh, they are normally exhibited in Dublin, just for the month of January. This year Edinburgh and Dublin did a swap. It was much busier than usual of course and we ended up standing in a queue for over two hours before we could get in, the first hour we were actually outside in the cold, it was a relief to get into the building.

A River in the Campagne, JMW Turner, Edinburgh, Vaughan exhibition

The painting below is of Bellinzone, Switzerland. This exhibition was so crowded I couldn’t get a straight view of most of the paintings, hence the squinty photo below!

Bellinzone , Switzerland, JMW Turner

Below is Turner’s view of Sunset at Ostend Harbour. He had a great way with skies.

Ostend Harbour, JMW Turner watercolour

Below is a very stormy Plymouth.

Plymouth, JMW Turner watercolour

Below is a very different sort of storm at the Grand Canal in Venice.

Storm at the Mouth of the Grand Canal

Below is The Doge’s Palace in Venice.

aThe Doge's Palace and Piazzetta

Turner’s Fishing Boats at Folkstone is below.

Fishing Boats, Folkestone, JMW Turner watercolour

Below is his view of Edinburgh which as you can see has a lot of reflections in it, so annoying.

Edinburgh, JMW Turner, watercolour

The painting below is of a beech tree, maybe not as dramatic as the rest of the paintings in the exhibition but it’s beautifully detailed. As ever, click on the photgraphs if you want to see them enlarged.

Beech Tree, JMW Turner watercolour

6 thoughts on “The JMW Turner Exhibition, Edinburgh

    • Amanda,
      That was the second time we had been to see the exhibition, the first time we couldn’t stay in the queue as we had to get back to the car – or get a parking ticket! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  1. What beautiful artwork! I’m so glad your long wait paid off and that you were able to post those photographs…thanks.

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