Virginia Plain by Roxy Music on Top of the Pops 1972

I think it’s a few years since I did a music blogpost but I was listening to the radio a couple of days ago and the DJ mentioned that Roxy Music’s Virginia Plain had been released FIFTY-TWO YEARS AGO. How is that possible? Well, fair enough, in the summer of 1972 I had just become a teenager so I am a good deal older now.  For me back then everything was Glam Rock, specifically T Rex but I soon branched out to David Bowie and Roxy Music. I remember this Top of the Pops appearance as if it was yesterday! Those were the days.

Virginia Plain – Roxy Music

I’m still engulfed by that hell which is Gordon’s old bedroom, the decorating is taking a lot longer than it used to, must be my age – or maybe I’m not being so slap-dash now. Anyway, I’ve not had much time for anything else but on Friday night I took a bit of a break from it and watched The Old Grey Whistle Test programme which was on. Most of the clips were at least 40 years old but I can hardly believe that.

I loved Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music when I was a teenager so I enjoyed the clip of them doing The Strand but I fancied hearing Virginia Plain again, have a look if you want to see some glam rock from a 1972 Top of the Pops.

Honestly – what do those dancers in the audience look like?! I just hope that the 13 year old me wasn’t that awful!