Rumpole a La Carte

Rumpole a La Carte by John Mortimer is a collection of six short stories featuring of course Rumpole barrister-at-law and his wife Hilda, more often known as She Who Must Be Obeyed. I think most, if not all of these stories have been dramatised for TV and I loved them when they were on during the 1980s. They were/are very faithful to the stories and I think that they were very well cast. Hilda fondly refers to Rumpole as being a character but the Law Chambers is full of odd characters.

John Mortimer was himself a barrister and he wrote with wit about what he knew – the BEnglish justice system and the people who frequent it.

Have a peek at the You Tube Rumpole episode below. It’s preceded by a clip of John Mortimer talking about his creation.