Shetland Folk Festival 2013

Well, the Shetland Folk Festival has come and gone, if you want to see and hear some of the music which featured in it – have a look here.

I’m not a crazy folky myself, although I do like it I wouldn’t go out of my way to hear it. One of my brothers absolutely despises (his word) all Scottish music, and just about foams at the mouth at the first squeeze of an accordion, it’s hilarious. But he is a massive Stranglers fan and follows them all over the place, even abroad. I must admit that I would probably choose to listen to The Stranglers rather than the old fashioned kind of traditional Scottish music.

Somewhere In My Heart by Aztec Camera

The weather has been really lovely for quite a few days now, well the temperature keeps going up and down but we haven’t had any of that wet stuff recently, which is quite amazing.

Does anybody else have good weather songs? This one always makes me think of sunshine and blue skies, it’s just a really jaunty pop song from the 1980s. Aztec Camera was a Scottish band, I think they all came from just outside Glasgow.

I think my favourite is the first version but if you prefer something a bit more laid back you might like the second version more. The video is certainly much better.

This single was released in 1988, when our sons were just 1 and 2 years old, so I was still walking about with a numb brain due to lack of sleep, and washing nappies of course. Happy days?!!

Scottish words Haver

As ever, there is some controversy over how this word is spelt. I have seen it written as haiver, however in The Proclaimers lyrics for I’m Gonna Be (500 miles) it is written as haver.

So, haver just means to talk nonsense or rubbish. It’s very useful if someone is being particularly stupid, annoying and long winded about something, then you can use just one word “Havers!” to deflate them and succinctly tell them what you think.

Or – What are you havering about now? gives the distinct impression that the speaker is ALWAYS talking rubbish.

When The Proclaimers released their single 500 miles, in America, it caused a bit of consternation as the Americans got it into their heads that havering was something rude so they were thinking about banning it. In Britain banning anything usually makes it an instant hit. Anyway, the Americans were reassured that the sky wouldn’t fall down if Craig and Charlie sang the word haver and it has been their biggest hit ever.