Willa Cather and others

I’m going to start reading Willa Cather’s Death of the Archbishop soon, so I was really chuffed when I paid a call on Christopher at ProSe last night and discovered that his new post was about his recent visit to Nebraska and Red Cloud, where Willa lived. His photographs are lovely and the houses are perfectly American, picket fence and all.

So if you’ve missed it, do yourself a favour and have a peek now. One of the houses featured is linked with the book My Antonia and is in need of some TLC apparently as is Robert Louis Stevenson’s home in Edinburgh, which you can see here. It really annoys me when literary history is just left to rot like this.

On the reading front, I’ve just finished Ian Rankin’s Let It Bleed. Does anybody else want to join in with the discussion on this book over at Judith’s ? (Reader in the Wilderness) I’m usually more of a vintage crime lass but I think I’m really going to get into the Rebus books.

I’m now nearly half way through Dracula and I’m really surprised at how much I’m enjoying it. Last night I decided to read War and Peace, I’ve been putting it off for years and the only way of doing it is to have a deadline, I think I have to finish it by January the 19th when there is going to be a discussion on it.

Last but not least, The Classics Circuit has started up again after a bit of a rest and the next tour is a Trollope one. I’ve signed up to read either The Belton Estate or The Claverings, which happen to be the only two of his which I have in the house but haven’t read yet.

I mustn’t forget Rosamunde Pilcher’s The Shell Seekers either.


2 thoughts on “Willa Cather and others

  1. My real-life classics group is reading Death Comes for the Archbishop next year, in March, I think. I’m looking forward to it because I so loved O Pioneers and My Antonia.

    I have signed up for Trollope also! I’m reading Orley Farm. I have so many unread Trollopes on my shelf. Sigh. I look forward to your reviews.

    • Karen,
      Can you believe that there isn’t a copy of O Pioneers in the whole of Fife?! I don’t really want to bother getting it on ILL so I’ll probably end up buying it. I loved My Antonia too.

      I haven’t read Orley Farm but I’ve read all of the Barchester Chronicles and they are a real treat, I think you’ll love them. I’ve also read Dr Thorne and The Small House at Allington.

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