Cramond again

For some reason I couldn’t add these two photos onto my Flickr yesterday, but could today so, this one is of Cramond Island, just off the village of Cramond. There’s a causeway which leads out to it and if the tide is right you can get down onto the shore and walk out to the island, making sure that the tide isn’t going to change whilst you are there as it would be quite embarrassing to have to be rescued by a life boat crew. The hills you can see on the other side of the river are in the county of Fife, where I live, and it looks quite scenic from this location.

Cramond Island

We walked out right to the end of the causeway and I turned and took this photo of Cramond village but most of it is obscured by the trees. The tide was in so the Forth was lapping all around the causeway, we’ve never actually got here at the right time so more planning is required as I would love to get on to the island sometime.

As you can see last Saturday was a blue sky day but after we had gone for a walk along the shore for about half a mile it started to chuck it down with rain and the wind was painfully cold. I don’t think we’ve had many days this year when it hasn’t rained.

The Causeway, Cramond

I think all of the islands were inhabited by soldiers manning gun emplacements during both world wars as this area was obviously a target for the Germans. The naval base of Rosyth is nearby as is the iconic Forth Bridge which was attacked by enemy aircraft as it would have been a great propaganda coup for them to destroy it. Of course they didn’t succeed and it’s still doing a good job of carrying trains over the River Forth every five minutes or so – I kid you not, it’s amazingly busy, I can’t think where they’re all going.

Here it is again, not visible from Cramond, this is one of the photos I took from South Queensferry a while ago.

The Forth Bridge

6 thoughts on “Cramond again

    • Peggy Ann,
      They do look nice but the purple clouds came in underneathh them, bringing the rain, I should’ve taken a photo of that but was too busy getting back to the car!

  1. Love the middle pic – sun taunting you in the distance. I couldn’t bear living in the constant drizzle, but these brief sunny interludes must be a treat.

    • Pearl,
      It isn’t usually so bad but the last 3 years or so have been fairly disastrous altogether weather wise, I hope it’s just a blip and not permanent. It makes it all the more amazing that you had such a good weekend for the wedding.

  2. So lovely! I don’t live anywhere near a natural body of water and sometimes crave being able to walk along the sea or even a lake or river. And, I have to say, rain sounds wonderful too!

    • Anbolyn,
      I really didn’t like the sea much when I first moved here, we live just where the Firth of Forth runs into the North Sea, but I’ve sort of got used to it and I do enjoy a walk along the shore now and again, picking up stones, sea glass and shells, like a 5 year old! I wish we could send you some of our rain!

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