Japanese Garden at Glendoick, Perthshire.

Japanese garden

The photo above is of a Japanese Garden which has been planted within the Glendoick Garden Centre, near Errol in Perthshire, Scotland. It has obviously been planted some years ago as it’s quite mature now, but it’s a great idea and it probably does quite a lot for their sales of those types of plants.

We visited about 10 days ago when it was looking fab, as you can see, I think we got there just at the perfect time.

Japanese Garden Rhododendrons.

I had been to this garden centre just once before and I was sure that it had all the plants with their Latin names in alphabetical order, which I thought was a brilliant idea, so easy to find what you were looking for.

Imagine my surprise when I got there and there was no sign of anything alphabetical. Either they have changed it completely or I was thinking of an entirely different garden centre, or possibly I dreamt of such a thing, as my perfect place to buy plants and it doesn’t actually exist!

Anyway, if you know of such an alphabetical plant place – please do tell!

4 thoughts on “Japanese Garden at Glendoick, Perthshire.

  1. Oh a lovely garden! And it is at a garden center? Brilliant. I’ve never come across anyplace does does plants by alpha order according to their latin names. It sure would be interesting to see!

    • Stefanie,
      I’m beginning to think that I did dream that alphabetised garden centre up. Yes that Japanese garden is in a garden centre, it feels a bit like a botanic gardens with the same sorts of labels.

  2. Wow! We must have just missed each other at Glendoick! I was there around the same time! Weren’t the rhododendrons magnificent! Did you go round the woodland and walled gardens up by the house as well? They were gorgeous just then. Because they are predominantly to show off the rhoddies they are only open in April and May, while the garden centre is open all year round.

    They have a booklet about the 100 best ornamental plants for Scotland. If you email me your new address, I’ll send it to you.

    • Evee,
      I was with Jack and Gordon and it was near closing time and I didn’t realise there were walled gardens. It’s just a hop and a skip from where G has just moved to in Errol so I’ll be going there quite often I think, maybe tomorrow. Thanks so much for the offer of the booklet but I can probably get one myself. What a shame we didn’t bump into each other!

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