Gordon and Laura’s Wedding part 2

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Our two handsome lads have always been opposites so it was no surprise when Duncan said that he wouldn’t wear a kilt. Gordon has his own kilt and wears it quite often, probably because he has been to a lot of weddings recently. Each to their own, the brothers get on well together, probably because they are opposites.

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The wedding cake decoration is based on the logo of Gordon’s favourite band Forward Russia. No, not many people have heard of them, Gordon has quite an eclectic and sometimes quite obscure taste in music.

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Laura is a big fan of cheese and she had joked to her girlfriends that she would really like a cheesecake as a wedding cake, so they concocted this alternative tower of cheeses for her.

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And above they are cutting their real cake. The top half was Gordon’s favourite – carrot cake. The bottom section was madeira.

If you want a laugh have a look below at me in a hat, before I ditched the jacket and hat. I took advice from everyone on the hat and they all said wear it. Hmm – I can imagine what will be said about it in years to come! That’s the only photo I have of me at the wedding at the moment, I hope the others are better!

The tables were all named after albums by I Like Trains, another of Gordon’s favourite bands.

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The photo below is of the ladies all dancing to Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights, and doing all the actions. I have the original album that the song was on and I find it quite amazing that all these years later women who weren’t even thought of back then are dancing and singing along to her music. The good stuff never ages I suppose.

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10 thoughts on “Gordon and Laura’s Wedding part 2

    • Peggy,
      Jack’s seat is empty next to me as he was taking photos and Gordon was on my other side but he hadn’t sat down yet. This was taken just as people were beginning to find their place cards! D is busy talking to Alex I think.

  1. I like the hat. A bit mad hatterish, which, of course, appeals to me. I was wondering how you planned to wear your hair. You look lovely. Duncan and Gordon are handsome young men. They do look like Jack, but they look like you, too.

    • Joan,
      I did think about putting my hair up but couldn’t manage it and a hat. At least my hat doesn’t have the price tag stuck on it! It’s funny to see bits of various people in the younger generation. Obviously Duncan’s colouring is closer to mine. Gordon has Jack’s hair exactly, they both have J’s nose.

  2. I would have made a station for myself next to that “cheesecake.” I hope there were crackers. And I think the hat was lovely. Though if it were warm, I can see you wanting to discard it for a time.

    The photo of the young women dancing is superb!! What fun they were having. Sigh. Reminds me of me own young days.

    • Judith,
      Yes there were plenty of crackers and oatcakes! I got rid of the jacket and hat after the meal, I felt much comfier after that.
      The young ones all had a great time, it was funny to be at the ‘old fogeys’ table by then – where did all that time go?

    • Jo,
      That’s interesting. The days of layers of fruit cake seem to have gone. I know that cup cakes and macaroons are also fashionable at the moment.

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