Bonsai at Gardening Scotland

We went to Gardening Scotland way back in June, at Ingliston in Edinburgh. I suppose it’s the closest we get to a Chelsea Flower Show in Scotland but it’s really nothing like that. No huge amounts of money are thrown at it by sponsors for the creation of sumptuous gardens. In fact I think that it is a real shame that the big Edinburgh institutions such as Standard Life don’t have a show garden. It’s all very teeny and the few wee show gardens are mainly by charities, still interesting though and I’ll do another post about those ones. I was really taken with the bonsai stands though and there were some Japanese tourists there who were obviously impressed too. These are just a few of my favourites.

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Just about anything in miniature is so cute, even humans I suppose, and I can quite see why some people get quite obsessed with bonsai.

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You have to be patient though, some of these trees are 50 years old or more.

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There were some chaps from the Scottish Bonsai Association showing how it was done. I’ve always felt quite squeamish about the thought of wiring up trees but I have to admit that the results are stunning.

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6 thoughts on “Bonsai at Gardening Scotland

  1. I love bonsai, too. I can imagine myself in miniature lazing under a tiny tree. I think I like miniature things like bonsai, doll houses, snow globes because they are small, contained, controlled worlds, unlike the one we live in.

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