Ring of Brodgar

Last week when I wrote a brief post about our fairly recent visit to Avebury in Wiltshire I wanted to link to my previous visit the The Ring of Brodgar on Orkney in 2022, for comparison. It was only then that I discovered that I had never got around to blogging about it, either in 2017 or 2022. Or if I did the posts have disappeared!

Ring of Brodgar, Orkney

So here are some photos that I took, the Ring of Brodgar in the distance.

Part of Ring of Brodgar

A bit closer.

Looking Towards Ring of Brodgar from Barnhouse Village

Looking across the Loch of Harray towards The Ring of Brodgar.

Ring of Brodgar, Part

And the standing stones from the other side of the ring.

Stones in Ring of Brodgar

The stone circle itself is large, as are the stones. Below is a photo of Jack beside one of them. They’re not as chunky and rough as the stones at Avebury.

Ring of Brodgar, Single Stone

You can read more about the stones here.


2 thoughts on “Ring of Brodgar

  1. Your final picture should have been of the stone alone and the caption could have been “After Jack disappeared…”

    I think my eyes are getting worse but the color of your text seems very faint and not as black as it could be. I need to look at my own and see if it is the same. I got a new prescription on Friday (and new contact lenses too – I sailed off triumphantly and left my glasses in the doctor’s office). It wasn’t until I got home that I saw the answering machine had taken a very reproachful message from the receptionist saying they wouldn’t be open again until Monday.

    • LOL – as they say – except a daftie might believe it!

      The text on ‘pining’ just seems normal from here, maybe I should use a clearer font. I can’t read anything wothout my specs which is annoying but I don’t fancy contact lenses somehow.

      The most common things left behind on public transport here are walking sticks!

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