My garden in Fife

Amazingly it was a blue sky day on Wednesday and we had absolutely no rain at all, but that east wind was still blowing, and a friend told me that she had had to scrape ice off her windscreen in the morning, when I was sensibly still in bed.

Anyway, I went out to take some photos of the back garden. Things are beginning to green up.

my Garden, Scotland


my Garden , Scotland


my Garden , Scotland


my Garden , Scotland


my Garden, Scotland

That big shrub to the left of centre in the photo above is going to have to be moved as it blocks my view from the kitchen window of nicer things, such as the pieris, I did not think it was going to grow so large and is not amenable to pruning. Such is life.

My phone tells me that tomorrow it will be four degrees celsius colder than it was today so it’ll be 8 celsius tomorrow, that’s 46.6 F,  colder with the wind no doubt. It’s a very slow start to Spring.

8 thoughts on “My garden in Fife

    • tracybham,
      Thanks, it’s still cooler than it should be but at least the rain and wind has calmed down a bit.

    • Stefanie,
      My neighbours just have grass in their ‘gardens’ and when we moved in they said that the soil was so poor that there was no point in bothering with plants! We’ve had to take out a couple of trees as they grew much bigger and faster than the labels said, and outgrew the garden in three years. However, I can never grow veggies, my excuse is that by the time our temps get up a bit the seeds have given up on germination! We have such a short growing season.

  1. I suppose when one leaves at 8 am and does not return until 6 or 7 it is easier to miss that moment when all the buds appear but it is still very exciting to see the transformation. I like the purple I see in your garden!

    It fell below freezing two nights ago just as my tulips were about to bloom and I was worried but they seem to have survived.

    • Constance,
      That purple plant is a new one to me and it’s an annual but worth having I think. I just hope that we don’t get much in the way of frost now. I think we’re similar to you, they can cope with a quick frost but not if it is going to be night after night.

  2. It looks so fresh and lovely! So funny that just as your garden is starting to get going, mine is dying. It isn’t too hot here yet (about 32 C) but too hot for my plants.

    • Anbolyn,
      32 C sounds insanely hot to me! I must admit that I was really surprised to discover that the flowers went over very quickly when we had a week of hot weather, around 70 F, on balance I would rather it was cooler. Today we are back to grey danp weather, and it’s cold, it feels more like November!

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