I still haven’t been able to sort all of my books out after our recent mammoth down-sizing house move, actually it’s not so recent, we moved on April 4th – things move slowly around here nowadays. Jack has housed his large SF collection in bookcases in the garage (does anyone ever put a vehicle in their garage?) and I’m waiting on a summerhouse to be delivered, it sounds fancy but is basically a large sturdy garden shed with more glass than usual, so it should be fine for books. I’ve just heard that it will be here next Wednesday which is great, and even better is the fact that we don’t have to build it, that’s included in the price so some guys will be putting it up, I can’t wait.
Anyway, we have managed to find homes for plenty of books in the new house too and we have a Scottish authors section. I must admit that these shelves are really Jack’s books, my Scottish books are not so well organised. Anyway, he has read most of these books but I haven’t, so I intend to read at least some of them for the Read Scotland 2014 challenge, I think I’ve read 16 Scottish books so far.
Above is a photo of some of the books which I want to read, I think you can enlarge it if you click on it. In particular the ones by A.L Kennedy (see below) as I haven’t read any of hers but I want to read the Alan Massie Arthurian trilogy too.
Number 16 was a wee bit of a cheat really as it was Asterix and the Pechts, a very slim volume. Did you ever read the Asterix books when you were wee? I didn’t read as many as I would have liked because back in the dim distant days when kids were allowed to wander around on their own, I used to go to the library and at that time you were only allowed to take two books out at a time, and if I borrowed an Asterix or Tin Tin book I got more than a bit of a hard stare from my mother when I got home.
She expected me to bring back real books from the library. Strangely she didn’t mind at all when my older brother borrowed Tin Tin and Asterix books, yet another sign of her favouritism?! At least that meant that I could get to read them too.
Anyway the English version of the Asterix book is called Asterix and the Picts. I read Asterix and the Pechts which has been translated into Scots, it’s a good laugh. You can read about it here. And you can see more images from it here.