Sadly the school holidays are over now in Scotland and Jack is back at work, the six weeks always seem to go so quickly but it seems such a long time since we were down in England at the beginning of the holidays. We had planned to go up north too but just didn’t get around to it.
When we were in Alcester the town was still festooned with Diamond Jubilee bunting and they were obviously looking forward to the Olympic Games as they had that bunting up too. It was definitely the most decorated town that we saw.
Alcester is a really small town but I like its atmosphere and they seem to have a good commmunity spirit there.
These cute wee houses are just at the top of the High Street, behind the church, and that seemed to be where the bunting stopped. It looks like a very quiet area but I think the church bells will shatter their peace quite often.
These Tudor buildings are so different from the grey stone and grey/purple slate houses that I’m used to in Scotland, that I can’t quite get over how fragile and pretty they look. Like something out of a fairy tale, it looks like a few huff-puffs would blow them down, but obviously not.
There are quite a few drinking establishments in and around Alcester’s High Street, just imagine coming out of one after you’ve had a drink or two …. and finding these buildings leaning at you as you lurch home!
I suppose they’ll be taking all the bunting down now that all the celebration fun is over. I wonder what the town is like at Christmas? Oh! I can’t believe I said that word!
You might wonder what took us to Alcester in the first place, it’s a very small town but ancient as you can see but it’s far older than Tudor times, the Romans had a settlement there. We hadn’t even heard of the place until we bought an old clock which has Alcester painted on its face along with the maker’s name – T. Jorns – which I think is a Scandinavian name. I’m sure that there was still an electrical shop with that name above it not too long ago but by the time we got to Alcester there was no trace of the name anywhere and nobody could remember anyone with that unusual name. I thought it would have been great to get a photo of the place where our clock was made. Anyway, it could have been ‘born’ in any of the shops in the town or even in a house, the clock led us to a pleasant part of England anyway and I imagine we’ll be going back in the future as it’s well placed for travelling to different parts of the country. I found this interesting site of the principal inhabitants of the town in 1791, it’s amazing how many different traders there were. Thomas Jorns is mentioned but there’s no clue as to where he lived or traded.
That is a lot of bunting! Those buildings are unbelievable! You would think they would be condemned. Will you be lonesome with Jack back to work now?
Peggy Ann,
At the moment I have so much to do in the house and garden that I’ll be too busy to be lonely but we both really wish he had been able to retire this year, he will do soon though!
Thanks for the pictures. Interesting houses. We saw a few when living in Germany. What are the insides of the houses like? I only knew what “bunting” was by context and picture. I’m hoping we can travel a little-England, Scotland and Ireland..and France when my husband retires from his second career. I wish he’d take up LANDSCAPING.
I don’t know about those houses but when we lived in Essex the old houses there were similar and were almost exactly the same inside as outside – plain painted walls with wooden bits here and there and low beams and doorways. What do you call bunting then? We’re both waiting for our husbands to retire then!
Not the C word!!!
The buildings are great, look like they are all put together like building blocks.
I do enjoy your pictorial visits to Blighty.
Oooh, I know but I suppose it’ll be the C word before we know it! I’m glad you enjoy the road trip photos.
I inherited a grandfather clock some years ago that has nearly the same clock face as the one shown, except it just shows Jorns, with Alcester beneath. The casing is the same. There is a picture of a lady on the face of the clock, in place of the church shown in the photo. It has a few idiosyncracies, like not striking the hour in the exact order. Other than that it’s in good order. Year of manufacture? Worth? Feedback please! Many thanks, Peter
Our clock has a date on the back of the pendulum but I don’t want to stop it and unhook it, I think it is about 1837. At auction this type of clock usually only goes for about £400 but about double that if it is being bought from an antiques shop. I hope that’s of use to you.