I was listening to Radio 4 Extra this afternoon whilst making a pot of lentil soup, as you do, well it has suddenly got really cold, I got caught in a hailstorm today and it’s going to be icy overnight apparently, so soup is a necessity!
Anyway, at the end of ahem Dick Barton Special Agent, the presenter mentioned some of the up and coming attractions in the shape of an Eric Ambler thriller, Sherlock Holmes and much more. I’ve just realised that I missed a Jill Paton Walsh thing so I’ll be listening to that via the iPlayer soon too. Have a look here if you haven’t already!
I also saw an episode of the Martin Clunes programme Islands of Britain on the telly last night and wondered if some of it might be on You Tube and sure enough it is. I thought it might be of interest to some people who can’t get it on their TV.
The other thing which I thought folks might like to see is good old Tom Weir. I think I saw that Peggy Ann was watching him. You might never have heard of him before, he died a couple of years ago but he was a good age and about 30 or 40 years ago his short TV programmes used to be on a lot. I was amazed when I looked in on my insomniac then teenage son some years ago to see that he was watching an ancient Weir’s Way at about 3 o’clock in the morning. Tom had a big following with the insomniacs I think.
Although Tom had climbed all over the world, even up the Himalayas, it was always the hills of home which were his favourites and they happened to be in the area which I grew up, he was a a bit of a local hero and could often be seen on the hills. If you’re interested in some Scottish scenery there are loads of clips of Tom. Here’s one for a starter!
I missed Martin Clunes; visit to Shetland and the Hebs. What a great programme – and it was lovely to see Tom on the road to Oban too. We do live in a great wee country! Topped off with lentil soup too!
I certainly wouldn’t like to live anywhere else. Oban was a favourite destination when I was wee but I’ve not managed over to Mull yet. Next year!
Did you spend time at Ganavan Sands? We did when I was wee, and we had boat trips to Kerrera and Lismore islands. My dad always said he’d like to retire to Oban but he never got the chance.
Thank you, thank you! I loved the videos! Isn’t Martin Clune wonderful? And I really want to try thar whiskey…probably very expensive!
Peggy Ann,
I have my doubts whether that whisky would be any better than that fiery grouse! You’ll have to go on a whisky tour when you get here, then you get a free dram at every distillery you stop at!
I discovered Martin Clune on library DVDs as Doc Martin 4 months ago. I’m up to the 5th season. Now it’s on our public TV channel. It’s nice to see him SMILING!!
Weir’s Way is an all-time classic.
It certainly is and the programmes never seem to be old fashioned despite the fact that some of them must be about 30 or 40 years old.
Sitting at the computer, a big atlas on my lap opened to Scotland following Martin Clune’s adventures. He’s right about the Shetlands-little square box on upper right! I may be having my own “adventure” Awaiting the “Frankinstorm”. East coast heavy winds, rain and storm surges. Luckily we’re 3 hours inland, but we’re still getting the damaging winds. Please think of us and the rest of the Slattery family on the coast of NYC.
I HAVE been thinking of you all whilst watching New York on BBCs News 24. The reporters get so excited about it all! I hope it blows itself out before it hits the land. Fingers crossed that you don’t have any damage from the high winds anyway and that you don’t lose your electricity.
It’s just about always windy in the Shetlands, years ago I knew someone who moved there and she said that if you hang your washing out it might end up in Norway!
Thanks for your concern. Well, it hit us BIG TIME. NYC lower part(downtown, Wall Street, etc.) was underwater. All the subways for the whole city has been shutdown for the past 3 days-never happened before. My sister-in-law, nephews and nieces are all without power for about 2 days. Some lost roof tiles, one lost 2 cars and lower level is trashed. The main concern is my elderly Aunt Bonnie on the 11th floor in Manhattan-no power since the storm (MON)meaning no elevator or heat. But we have someone checking on her and she’s getting through it.The eye of the storm went over us in central Pennsylvania causing flooding and power outages but our town came through OK. Keep us in your thoughts.
I really thought that the news people were getting over excited as usual but it turned out to be even worse than predicted, and the fires, that was shocking! Glad to hear that you all got through it safely. ‘Stuff’ can be replaced, unlike people. Now for the big clean up, although I don’t know what people can do if their home doesn’t exist any more.