Scottish words: dumbfoonert

It’s fairly obvious what dumbfoonert means, I think. It’s really just the Scottish equivalent of the English word dumbfounded.

Of course if you’re dumbfoonert you are flabbergasted, overwhelmed with astonishment. Or as I sometimes say – my flab has never been so g(h)asted.

But dumbfoonert is a good Scots way of saying that you’re nearly speechless – but not quite!

8 thoughts on “Scottish words: dumbfoonert

    • Peggy Ann,
      I’ve never read any and I can’t watch the TV Wycliffe as I don’t like the actor, he always has exactly the same miserable expression on his face – so I quickly flick away!

      • I have not read any of the books just the TV show and maybe it’s the actor that is so boring! His facial expressions never seem to change. The books might be better.

    • Evee,
      Yes, you don’t hear it enough for some reason. I’m sure I’ll be dumbfoonert about something tomorrow – but it won’t be about all this RC stuff!

  1. Totally agree with Peggy Ann.I read 2 Wycliffe books that were OK. Then I checked out DVDs from the library-totally boring. Didn’t care for the lead OR his associates. First time this happened with detective series from the British Isles.

    • Lorraine,
      I never watched the series just because I didn’t like the lead actor. It seemed to be popular at the time as I think they made quite a lot of them, but I can’t imagine who would find it entertaining.

  2. Questions for a Scottish friend: I read M.C. Beaton’s Hamish MacBeth mysteries in order a few years back. Easy, quick reads. Watched the Dvds from the library. One of the STRANGEST shows I’ve seen,but I kind of liked it. The scenery was unbelievable (well I guess not to you)and quite surreal at times. Robert Carlyle grew on me also. What do you think of Alexander McCall Smith books? I kind of like the Sunday Philosopher’s books and Isabel Dalhousie.Also just saw “Quartet” with some friends. Nice to see these actors together again.

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