Azalea in Perth, Scotland

We were driving into Perth (Scotland, not Australia) one day last week, on our way to help with Gordon and Laura’s flitting, when we were stopped at the traffic lights, just opposite Tesco.

Well all I could say was WOW! You can click on it to enlarge it.

orange rhoddie full

I think this orange one is an Azalea but it might be a Rhododendron, but whichever, isn’t it fantastic? The orange one takes up almost the whole of the front garden and I was so busy looking at it that I didn’t even notice the smaller ones. Then the lights changed and we were off.

Luckily we had to make another trip to Perth a few days later and so we were able to park in the Tesco car park and walk over to get the photo. The only downside is that the flowers will probably only last for a couple of weeks, then the garden will be quite dull for the rest of the year, on the plus side though – it is big enough to block out the view of the supermarket which they have from their front room.

It brightened up my life, just driving past it!

6 thoughts on “Azalea in Perth, Scotland

  1. They look like azaleas to me. It’s gorgeous! I’ve never seen an orange one that big! They thrive in our south, I’m surprised they grow well there.

    • Peggy,
      Azaleas and Rhododendrons grow very well here, they like the soil in Scotland and don’t need heat, it is surprising as they look so exotic. I’ve seen the ones on that golf course in Augusta on TV and they are stunners too.

  2. Hello, the vine you have is not a clematis! It is a prpule passion vine, Passiflora Incense. I grow these also they are my favorite! They are very unique looking and smell amazing. Very aggressive vine watch out because it will take over. I hate how the blooms only last one day but it is ok because there are always more blooming when the others are done.

    • Jhoselyn,
      I’m not sure which photo you’re commenting on but it is definitely a type of Clematis, I’ll have to dig out my plant labels to find out which one. I don’t grow Passiflora as it doesn’t survive the winters here in Fife, I tried it years ago before I realised it wasn’t hardy enough here, I wish I could grow it. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

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