Recent Book Purchases

We were in Edinburgh showing a bookish friend our favourite book haunts in Stockbridge. Honestly I had absolutely no intention of looking at books myself, but you know what it’s like, a book spine captures you attention – and you’re doomed. So I bought this lot:

Latest Book Haul

1. A Croft in the Hills by Katharine Stewart. I bought this purely because of the unbelievably twee cover which is in very good condition, despite the book having been published in 1960.

2. The Peacock Spring by Rumer Godden. I read a lot of her books way back in the year dot when I worked in libraries, I now can’t remember which ones I’ve read for sure. I looked at this one and thought I haven’t read it, or certainly have no memory of it. I wish I had kept note of all the books I had read in the past.

3. The Citadel by A.J. Cronin. I was sure that I had this book already but I haven’t been able to find it so I must have given it away. Anyway, I’m not sure if I’ve even read it before as it’s only his Hatter’s Castle which sticks in my mind from way back. If anyone wants to join me in a readalong of The Citadel – let me know.

4. The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher by Hilary Mantel. I’ve read the title story from this collection and I’m looking forward to reading the rest in this collection of short stories.

5. Nightingale Wood by Stella Gibbons. I’ve read her Cold Comfort books and loved them. The Matchmaker was okay, this one is a Virago publication so I have high hopes of it.

6. Murder in Piccadilly by Charles Kingston (1884-1944). This is another of those British Library Crime Classics. Kingston apparently wrote twenty crime novels but he’s new to me.

Have you read any of these book? If so, what did you think of them?

6 thoughts on “Recent Book Purchases

    • Peggy,
      The reality of living 1,000 feet up in the Highlands is harsh, I’ve just finished reading it. I’m going to read Nightingale Wood soon, as you loved it.

  1. That’s a very nice stack of books! I am thinking of putting myself under a book-buying ban for the next month, but I’m intrigued by the thought of reading The Citadel. I can’t remember if I’ve read any of A.J. Cronin’s work. I loved the Doctor Finlay series on television.

    • Lisa,
      Cronin was a doctor in the town I grew up in, before my time of course! I watched the 1960s series of Doctor Finlay’s Casebook when I was a child and loved it but I haven’t read any of the books featuring Doctors Finlay and Cameron.

  2. I enjoyed Hilary Mantel’s book very much – and I’m not the biggest fan of short stories.

    Years ago I read The Citadel and now I don’t remember much about, although I do know I liked it at the time. Maybe I’ll re-read it if I can find my copy!

    • Margaret,
      I’m looking forward to Mantel’s short stories, I quite like short stories, especially for bedtime reading.

      I’ll hold off on reading The Citadel for a while, just in case others want to join in eventually. I have plenty more books in my TBR pile, as you can imagine!

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