Earlier this week we visited Branklyn Garden in Perth which is a smallish garden, just two acres, which is owned by the Scottish National Trust. It’s a lovely place and has some gorgeous plants, it’s especially scenic at this time of the year with all the acers, rhododendrons, azaleas and Himalayan poppies in flower at the moment.
There are some wee winding paths through the acers/Japanese maples, but there are wider paths too.
The orange coloured flowers are particularly striking. I think these are azaleas rather than rhododendrons.
But the primulas and meconopsis are putiing on a great display at the moment too.
I think you’ll agree that the acer below is contributing a lot of colour too, with it’s zingy citrus shade and the red of its seed pods.
This garden is like a slice of heaven, the only thing which mars it is the sound of traffic from the nearby road below it. Obviously when the original owners of the garden built their house and garden in this location the traffic was a lot lighter.
There is a small stream which runs through part of the garden, but I’ll leave the photos of that to another post. It was just so lovely to get out and about and do something quite normal but certainly different from sitting at home as we have had to do for so long, and it felt safe.
I haven’t been there in literally decades, but I love that garden. There’s something to see in every season and the garden is proof that it doesn’t have to be large to be meaningful and special.
We’ll definitely be going back there later on in the summer, it’s also lovely in autumn with all the acers changing colour. I’m surprised that you have been there!
What a gorgeous garden! All that color is, I love it!
Some of those flowers were giving off lovely scents too!
That garden is a lovely place to walk and take photos. It is nice that you have access to it.
We go there quite often as we drop in there when we visit one of our sons who lives further north.